
I was a dreamer
Out of tune with the world, I had my own adventures. Heroes and squires, princesses in castle, Fire-Breathing Dragons. I started talking to myself, saying my conversations out-loud, it added an extra layer of immersion, made everything more real. The other kids whispered and bickered, huddled up and like a lump of amalgamation as they plotted their dissimulation.They called me a madman, incapable of distinguishing reality to fantasy. They called me a loser, incapable of winning. They called me a dreamer, disjointed from reality. Demeaning tags I accepted willingly.

I was a healer
I helped my fellow losers. Those broken beyond repair. I was their dumping ground, a trash can for their frustrations. But I knew better, everything I heard from them was one sided and likely misconstrued. Changed in a way that would victimize them. I offered solutions to their problems to no avail, they'd rather stay a victim, stay a loser. In their blindness, they clung to my kindness, revels in it. In time, their problems weighed me heavily, gave me this air of melancholy, as I accept and share their misery.

I was a mediator
A great compromiser, I tried to make all parties happy. When everyone wanted me to do well at school, I cave in. When everyone told me how I should act and appear, I cave in. When everyone told me to give up my dreams, my hopes, I cave in. I pegged myself as a madman, whose dreams of grandeur are madness. I pegged myself as a dreamer, disjointed from reality and in extension, everyone. I pegged myself as a loser, incapable of standing up for myself and constantly losing.

I am an Idealist
Over the years, I have acquired and grown a certain set of values and principles. Those I have deemed worthy to govern my nature. All those who has ridiculed and push me down, all those whom have done me wrong, hearken and listen to me now! You can take away my image, take away my confidence, take away place in society, but my values and beliefs shall stick to me still. Shame be upon those whom violate their own virtues. I ask you this, what is a man but the sum of his virtues?


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