Coda chapter 2

         I stood outside for the first time since a very long time. I was in the dark of night, stood there alone shivering without shelter from the cold night's air. I saw something bright in the distant, it was a lamp post and beside it, a telephone booth. This must be the Telephone booth that person told me about, the one he used to call me, where is he? I kept walking and after awhile, saw a house in the distant. I came inside the house, it was like a typically one floored house, there was a low table in the middle of the guest room, on it were magazines, scattered on top of the table, I also saw a spilled glass of milk. I turned to the right and was surprised to see a person looking at me, between us was a long table with lots plate with half-eaten food on it.

"Could you please help me tidy up the dishes?" said the mysterious girl.

"Who are you?", I questioned.

"Are you not going to help me tidy up? the house won't clean itself you  know." she said, completely ignoring my question.

I tidied the dishes for this person, I don't know who this person is, but I decided to help her anyway.

"I've tidied the dishes", I said as I tidied the last of the dishes.

"Good, next is the guest room, can you please tidy up the magazines and clean the spilled milk", she ordered.

I did as I was told, then a thought occurred to me, I had no reason to help this person. Why am I here doing housekeeping? perhaps I'm helping this person out of the kindness of my heart? I don't know, I don't remember anything before I was imprisoned in that prison, I have not the slightest idea of who I am. 

"All done", the spilled milk was harder to clean, apparently it stained the table. I have no idea how milk could possibly stain a table but it did and that stain was really persistent on being an eyesore for me. The magazines, however, was a lot easier to tidy up.

"That was quick, now the bedroom, tidy up the bed and put the books on the floor back to the bookcase", I was starting to see a pattern. At this rate I'll end up cleaning the entire house.

I made my way to the bedroom, which was to the right of the kitchen, in the end of the corridor.

"Do you like house cleaning?", I asked. I knew absolutely nothing about her, not even her name.

"Yes, its the only thing I like doing, its the only thing that I can do, it keeps me calm and relax and happy".

That I agreed, there was something relaxing about all of this, I stepped into the bedroom, I saw the messy bed and the books on the floor. I finished the task in no time at all. I'm serious, the clock on the wall seemed forever stuck at 9:11. I don't why, but I feel that 9:11 is important,like a distant memory calling for me. 911, I thought to myself as I made my way back to the kitchen.

"Could you please help me tidy up the dishes?". The dishes? I thought I already tidied them.

 "What? I already did that"

"Are you not going to help me tidy up? the house won't clean itself you know."

I looked at the table and was utterly surprised, the long table had lots plate with half-eaten food on it, it was as though no one had cleaned it up in the first place. I ran for the door, something is weird about this place. To my horror the door was locked, I was imprisoned, again. A sense of dread loomed over me as I imagine  my whole life stuck here house cleaning.

After doing the same house cleaning work over and over again, I somehow I was starting to remember my past, this house cleaning work was helping me relax, rehabilitating me somehow. after each chore I did, I remembered a bit more about how I was imprisoned in that prison a long time ago. Until finally, the house door magically flung open.

"Now you must continue your journey, finish what you had started" she proclaimed.

My memories were coming back to me, I was filled with a sense of purpose, a feeling I never thought I would feel again.

"I will, can I come back someday?", I asked thankful for my time here.

"You can, but I won't be here to greet you", she said in a saddening tone.


"My job here is done, and once your journey is finished, I will be no more"

I didn't like the sound of that, I didn't know what she was talking about. There were still things that I can't remember.

"But I haven't remembered everything, there still some things I can't remember"

"You have remembered all that you need to know, for now"

With that I continued my journey, with more question than answers. I can now remember a few more things about myself, but the question that have haunted me for years of in that prison is still left unanswered, what is my name? who am I? why was I imprisoned? One thing I know is for certain, I am not the same person I used to be, this time I know what must be done.


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