Coda chapter 3

Alarm bells were ringing, red lights were flashing, the same monotonous announcement: "Warning, warning, the whisperer machine has been activated" repeats itself over and over again. I had never heard of the whisperer machine in all my 3 years time on this spaceship, I went to the armory and took with me the S-U-B, a sub-machine gun.

I made my way through the maze-like corridors, the deeper I go, the more fear I felt. wires were dangling all over the place, overturned tables and chairs, demolished walls and huge debris blocking my paths. Finally I reached the whisperer machine, or to be more exact, its power source.

 The whisperer machine was getting its power through a huge laser in the center of the room. The laser was about a meter in diameter and shines a cyan blue color, the laser was coming through the roof of the room and was hitting a panel on the floor. I presumed the panel was changing this laser into the whisperer's machines power. Then I noticed how quiet it was, the warning announcement has stopped, a minute went by when I heard a voice coming out of the speakers.

"Finally, please help us", a voice echoed through the room. it sounded like the voice of a woman, probably in her late thirties.

"who's there?", I asked.

"you've got to help us, we can't hear you through the speakers but you're our only chance, that laser is the whisperer machine's power source, if you shut it down, you can save us all", said the woman in the speaker.

There weren't any buttons nor levers in the room, only the huge laser in the center of the room. How was I supposed to shut down the whisperer machine's power if there weren't any off switches?

" The laser will shut down if it's exposed to enough heat signature, your body has just enough heat to shut down the laser", she explained through the speaker.

I was devastated, how could things turned out this way, I dropped my gun in disbelief. There was no other way,was there? how could I possibly be selfish in a situation like this? resentfully, I stepped into the laser and immediately I collapsed. I felt weak, I couldn't even move my finger. My body felt light, the next thing I knew I started floating. I went higher and higher, went through the roof and past the spaceship's ceiling. I saw the universe all around me, the spaceship below me, it was magnificent. But that feeling was short-lived, I woke up in a room. In the center of the room was a low table, behind it, a sofa with two lamp post beside it, on my left was a bed. There was no doors in this room, not even a window. I was imprisoned, this prison was my home for many years.

I never found out what happened after I stepped into that laser, was everybody saved? or was I too late? Those question haunted me for a long time, until one day, I got a phone call.



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