Chapter 2: A part time job?

In his bed, lay Sebastian. Wide awake and rigorously thinking, unbeknownst to him of the adventure life has yet to thrust upon him.

The holidays... A time sought by all, you could go to the beach, travel to another country, do something useful in your life or you could spend it like me, doing absolutely nothing and feeling like crap about it.

You know, things doesn't have to be this way.

what are you implying?

I don't know man, get a part time job or something.

Nah, not doing it. I don't need the money. 

Oh come on, man. I'm the reasonable, plot moving voice inside your head. You've listened to me countless times before, it's gonna be great.


Fine, what's the worse that could happen. I can't believe I talked myself into doing this. 

Sebastian spent the rest of his afternoon job hunting for a favorable part time job, after scrolling through pages upon pages of websites. Sebastian finally settled on a job. He's going to be working as a ... A WHAT NOW!!?

What? It's interesting.

A freakin gravekeeper. Of all places... you CHOOSE to work in a graveyard.

Yeah, sounds about right.

The hell man! why not a bartender? a dishwater? There's got to be something out there.

Hush now, reasonable part of my brain, some decisions need not logic.

Excuse me!? I beg to differ.

 Anyway, this marks the start of Sebastian's journey. Some people were born great, others has greatness entrusted upon them. For Sebastian, THIS is that moment.

You totally stole that line from the movie 'night at the museum'. Shame on you! Zero points for originality.

Don't ruin this for me Damn it!





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